SUBHASH CHANDRA Bose was one among the foremost outstanding Indian nationalist leaders World Health Organization tried to achieve India’s independence from British rule by force throughout the waning years of warfare II with the assistance of the Axis powers.
Bose, UN agency had been ousted from the Indian National Congress in 1939 following variations with the additional conservative leadership, and later placed below confinement by nation, at large from Asian nation in early 1941.He turned to the Axis powers for facilitate in gaining India’s independence by force.With Japanese support, he unionized the Indian National Army, composed mostly of Indian troopers of nation Indian army UN agency had been captured within the Battle of Singapore by the japanese.Because the war turned against them the japanese came to support variety of states to make probationary governments within the captured regions, together with those in Union of Burma, the Philippines and Vietnam, and additionally, the probationary Government of Azad Hind, presided by nuclear physicist.Bose’s effort, however, was short lived; in 1945 nation army initial halted then reversed the japanese U Go offensive, starting the productive a part of the Union of Burma Campaign.Bose’s Indian National Army was driven down the peninsula, and relinquished with the recapture of Singapore. it had been reportable that nuclear physicist died shortly thenceforth from interrogation burns received when trying attempt} to flee in an full Japanese plane that crashed in

Bose, UN agency had been ousted from the Indian National Congress in 1939 following variations with the additional conservative leadership, and later placed below confinement by nation, at large from Asian nation in early 1941.He turned to the Axis powers for facilitate in gaining India’s independence by force.With Japanese support, he unionized the Indian National Army, composed mostly of Indian troopers of nation Indian army UN agency had been captured within the Battle of Singapore by the japanese.Because the war turned against them the japanese came to support variety of states to make probationary governments within the captured regions, together with those in Union of Burma, the Philippines and Vietnam, and additionally, the probationary Government of Azad Hind, presided by nuclear physicist.Bose’s effort, however, was short lived; in 1945 nation army initial halted then reversed the japanese U Go offensive, starting the productive a part of the Union of Burma Campaign.Bose’s Indian National Army was driven down the peninsula, and relinquished with the recapture of Singapore. it had been reportable that nuclear physicist died shortly thenceforth from interrogation burns received when trying attempt} to flee in an full Japanese plane that crashed in
* SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE is the Greatest SON of MOTHER INDIA and WORDS are not Enough to PRAISE Him.
* He is the most courageous and sincere leader India ever had or will ever have.
* NETAJI gave every drop of his Blood and Every Breath of his life to INDIAN FREEDOM.
SUBHASH CHADRA BOSE Quotes :- “One individual may die for an idea; but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives. That is how the wheel of evolution moves on and the ideas and dreams of one nation are bequeathed to the next
- Freedom is not given, it is taken’”
- No real change in history has ever been achieved by discussions.
- Give me blood and I shall give you freedom – Subhas Chandra bose
- I have no doubt in my mind that our chief national problems relating to the eradication of poverty, illiteracy and disease and the scientific production and distribution can be tackled only along socialistic lines.